Want to leave another and better kind of footprint?

Tourists are welcome to visit the Agro-Plantation-Site and encouraged to plant their own trees!
Combine a visit to our nursery with a trekking tour or just come for the nursery itself and become better informed about the environmental and social situation in Ethiopia. It is indeed a very good opportunity to stop over the plantation site in the context of a trekking tour - either on your way up to the mountains or down to the valley. Take a rest here and plant your own tree(s) before or after coming back from your trek since the main site is on the way to Lalibela mountains. Please get in touch with us if you are interested in a hiking tour: office@lalibela-trees.com

Take the opportunity to plant your own tree(s) and enjoy this amazing experience of creation.

Choose between

  • olive,
  • avocado,
  • pepper,
  • thalo,
  • apple or
  • mango.
Your tree will be given a badge with the name of your choice. This may be either your own name or the one of a special person (or event) to whom (or to which) you wish to dedicate the tree.

Package of three

3 trees: 100.- Birr (around 4,5 €)

Package of five

5 trees: 150.- Birr (around 6,5 €)